
Find me/Follow me

When you provide your employees the ability to see when other team members are on or off the phone in realtime, your business immediately starts saving time routing calls. Rather than placing callers on hold to find out if someone is available, personnel can make informed decisions on what to do with callers instantaneously, increasing the flow of business.

How does it work?

Find me/Follow me refers to two technologies that, in conjunction, enable incoming phone calls to be received at different locations, on different phones. An employee is assigned a “virtual number”. When that number is dialed, the system routes the call through a user-defined list of numbers. These numbers can be set to ring simultaneously or in a specified order. This order could follow an employee's schedule and locations.

Why do You need it?

Flexibility is the key to effective business communication. Find me/Followme frees employees from the corporate phone. Any manager can use his device or even several different phones anywhere they are along their scheduled travels.

Usage Scenario

An employee can leave the office for a coffee break and still be able to answer critical phone calls on the go. Their smartphone will ring together with the office phone or right after it.

Check out our Packages
Please take a look at our pricing to determine the most suitable option for your business. Remember that the opportunity to add new features or change plans is available for you 24/7.
Let's start skyrocketing your business communication today!
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